Exchange rate current information on 15 February, 2025
More than 5,056 banks in Philippines
Statex - a unique guide that includes detailed information about all the offices of banks located in the territory Philippines. We have compiled for you a detailed information on the location of bank branches, their mode of operation, as well as their contact details.
We are glad to invite you to take advantage of a convenient currency calculator, that allows you to convert one currency to another. You can choose from more than 150 currency units in the world. Exchange rates are updated at intervals of five minutes, which means that you will get the actual exchange rate at the moment. It is important to understand that the bank exchange rate is likely to differ from the exchange. Specify exchange rates in banks of your city.
In order to obtain information on banks, specify your location, select your city from the top menu. If the city was not found in the list, it is added automatically.
Popular areas of exchange
Popular Cities, Philippines